Poem - It's
Only Natural
So your dog chewed up your shoe
He didn't do it because he was mad at you
To him, it was the same as a raw hide chew
Chewing is natural; dogs behave this way
Next time, put your shoes away
Did your dog pee on the rug?
Don't get mad, instead give her a hug
And apolgize for the long time that had passed
Since the last time you let her out on the grass
I'ts natural for dogs to pee
Dogs need to potty just like you and me
Think about it
Do you wait 8 hours before a bathroom visit?
Does your dog bark a lot?
Making the nieghbors call the cops
Don't get mad
It's natural for dogs to strike a chord; it's the way they talk
Maybe Spike is bored; take him for a walk
Let your dog live inside with you
He might be barking because he's lonely and blue
Did your dog dig holes in your manicured lawn?
Maybe she was bored while you were gone
It's only natural for dogs to dig holes
So don't yell or scold
Insted get a sand box where she can explore and play
Then out of your prized flower bed is where she might stay
Stop and think that maybe he's acting like a normal pup
Instead of getting angry; take a picture, share, laugh it up
Then take a newspaper, roll it up,
The hit yourself on the head for not properly and positively training your pup